Isolated network for vApp

Isolated network for vApp

You can configure an isolated network for a particular vApp. In this case, it will be accessible only to virtual machines hosted in the vApp.

  1. In My Cloud located in vApps double-click on the required vApp in your list.
  1. On the required vApp settings page, go to the Networking tab and click on Green +.
  1. In the pop-up window, click on Next and, if necessary, make changes to the network settings (Gateway address, Network mask). Click on Next.
  1. In the new tab name the new network and add a description if necessary. Click on Next.
  1. If all the parameters of the new network are configured correctly, click on Finish.
  2. If you need to connect this network to the Org VDC network, then select the network created in the drop-down menu in the Connection column, and select the required Org VDC network. Do not forget to apply the changes by clicking on Apply.