How so I set a password for the virtual machine?

How so I set a password for the virtual machine?

First of all, power off the virtual machine.

1. Go to My Cloud, select the VMs tab.

2. Select the virtual machine for which you need to change your password, right-click on it, and select Properties.

3. In the pop-up window, open the Guest OS Customization tab. In Password Reset in the Specify password field, you can set a password manually. Click on OK, and perform re-customization.

Remember that the password must meet the following requirements:

have at least six characters;

contain a combination of at least three of the following four categories:

- uppercase letters (English alphabet) from A to Z;

- lowercase letters (English alphabet) from a to z;

- numbers (0 to 9);

- non-alphabetic characters (!, $, #,%);