How do I connect the virtual machine to the internet?

How do I connect the virtual machine to the internet?

When you subscribe the network is created automatically. You only need to connect the vApp and the virtual machines in it to the network.
Important: the vApp must be stopped and the virtual machine powered off to connect them to the network.

Step 1: Connect the vApp to the network

1. Go to My Cloud, open the vApp tab, and click on the required vApp.

2. Select the Networking tab and click the + icon.

3. In the pop-up window, select the Org VDC network. Click on Next.

4. Select the network. Click on Finish.

5. Make sure to click on Apply in the lower right corner.

Step 2: Connect the virtual machine to the network

1. Open the VM tab. Right-click on the required virtual machine and select Properties.

2. In the pop-up window go to the Hardware tab. Scroll down to NICs. Select the Org VDC network you have created and check the box in the Connected column. Click on OK.

3. Now you need to perform re-customization of the virtual machine. To do this, go back to the VM tab, right-click on the required virtual machine, and select Power On and Force Re-customization.

4. If everything is done correctly, in the vApp Diagram tab the following picture will be visible - the virtual machine connected to the network.