Quickly create a virtual machine role

Log into the My.Cloud-V management portal at my.cloud-v.ru in your account.

To create a virtual machine role, go to the Create command bar, select the virtual machine role tab and click on Create quickly.

  1. Assign a name to the VM Role
  2. Select the role image from those available in the subscription
  1. Select the size of the VM from those available in the subscription
  1. Install the VM password.

Note: Be sure to remember your password. It is not possible to reset your password by regular means in the Cloud-V portal.

  1. Select the network that the virtual machine will connect to.

To connect the VM to the network, you need to create a network in your account.

Read more in Create a virtual network.

  1. Set the number of VM role instances.
  1. Click on Create a virtual machine role. The virtual machine role will appear in the Virtual machines section in the main menu.